Harrison Township,
Logan County, Ohio
Physical Address of Township House:
4246 St. Rt. 47 West
Bellefontaine OH 43311
Mailing Address of Township:
460 Co. Rd. 32 North
Bellefontaine OH 43311
Trustees Information
David Jackson, 937-539-0135
Gary Ginter, Chairperson, 937-542-9184
Jerold E (Skip) Wiford II, 937-844-9156
Fiscal Officer Information
Judy Hartzler, 937-441-3600
Harrison Township is zoned. Please contact Chris Marlow for information regarding the need for permits and questions regarding zoning. Please see our rates and zoning regulations on the LUC website. www.lucplanning.com
Zoning Officer Information
Chris Marlow, 937-539-1588
Zoning Commission Members
Charles Lamb, Chairman
Warren Taylor, Secretary
Darian Ginter
Tony Hartzler
Greg Martz
Alternate: Steve Powell
Meeting Time:
The Trustees meet the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 pm at the Township building.
Special Meetings/Announcements
The Harrison Township Trustees met for a special meeting December 31, 2024. Gary Ginter was elected Chairman, Jerold Wiford, Vice Chairman and David Jackson, Board Member. Judy Hartzler serves as Fiscal Officer and Chris Marlow continues as the Zoning Inspector. Mr. Marlow can be reached at 937-539-1588 for all zoning matters.
The 2025 meeting dates will be the third Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. at the Harrison Township Office/Maintenance Building, 4246 S.R. 47 W, Bellefontaine, Ohio.
The Annual Financial Reports for Harrison Township, Logan County, Ohio is complete for the Fiscal Year 2024. It is available for review by calling the Fiscal Officer at 937-441-3600 to schedule an appointment.
By The Order of the Trustees
Judy Hartzler, Fiscal officer
Harrison Township, Logan County, Ohio
Board of Zoning Appeals Members
Joe Kelly, Secretary
Jim Thornburg
Matt Dolph, Chairperson
Bob Hudson
Monte Stratton
Alternate: David Johnson
Harrison Township has one active Cemetery, Blue Jacket Cemetery on Co. Rd. 11
"This institution is an equal opportunity provider."
"Esta instituci6n es un proveedor de servicios con igualdad de oportunidades."