Liberty Township,
Logan County, Ohio

Physical Address of Township House:
790 N Detroit St
West Liberty OH 43357
Mailing Address of Township:
PO Box 701
676 Twp Rd 30 E
West Liberty OH 43357
Phone Number:
Trustees Information
Jake Vitt, 937-597-6246
Wayne Yoder, 937-539-0022
C.J. Hostetler, 937-539-0377
Fiscal Officer Information
Cheryl Piatt, 937-465-2180
Meeting Time:
The Trustees meet the 3rd Monday of each month at 12:00 pm at the Township Room.
Zoning Officer Information
Steve Rabenstein, 937-441-4447
Liberty Township is zoned. Please contact Steve Rabenstein for information regarding the need for permits and questions regarding zoning. Please see our rates and zoning regulations on the LUC website.
Board of Zoning Appeals
Steve Rabenstein (Chairman)
Herb Couchman
Clark McDaniel
Shirley Beckford
Mark Kauffman
Aaron Hollar
Clint Barger
Zoning Commission
Dick Lindemer (Chairman)
Jeremy LeVan
Brandy Powell
Adam Cole
Jim Hickman
Open Spot